

Game interface
Open/Close Bet View
Time Input
Start/Pause Timer
Reset Timer
Mute/Unmute Audio
Open/Close Help View
Net Amount
Betting interface
Bet Amount
Submit Bet
Previous Selection
Next Selection
Bet Status / Cancel Bet


To start the timer and a race, type in the seconds, minutes, and/or hours that you want, then press start. Demo for starting timer

After pressing start, you can press pause to pause the timer and the race. Demo for starting timer

Press reset to restart a race and all bets. Press reset before the race starts to reset the timer to 0. Demo for resetting timer

Placing Bets

To place a bet, open up the bet view using the $ button on the top left corner of the screen. Type in the amount that you want to bet (must be greater than zero) or you can use the up and down arrows while the amount is in focus. Select the dino you want to bet on using the carrets < > < > or by using the left and right arrow keys while the amount is in focus. Press the submit button to place your bet or press enter while the amount is in focus. Demo for placing bet

You can place a bet at any time, but only bets placed before the timer starts will be locked and counted towards your earnings when the time is up. Because of this, any bets placed while the timer is running can be canceled but locked bets cannot be. Demo for bet locking

Canceling Bets

Press the cancel button on the placed bet you want to cancel.

$ 26

Bets are locked once the timer has started. To cancel a locked bet, you must reset the timer first before the time ends.

$ 5


The amount you earn per bet is determined by dividing its amount by the probability of it winning. Currently, the only bets supported are win bets. Win bets are bets placed on one contestant. The probability of one contestant winning in the dino race is 1/4, since the amount of dinos competing is fixed at 4. As an example, placing and winning a bet of $4 will yield a return of $16.

Losing a bet subtracts the bet amount from your total amount.

If you place multiple bets and break even, your amount does not change.

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